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Avoid These Common Mistakes When Going For An Interview

We all know that having a successful interview can help us land our dream job. And to achieve your dream, we have curated a list of common mistakes that you should avoid in your next interview. Learning from these mistakes will increase your odds of making a great impression on the interviewer and give you a competitive edge over the rest.


1) Not arriving on time 

If you want to land the best jobs in Goa, being punctual is the key to any interview. No matter how well your interview goes, arriving late to an interview will create a negative impression in the mind of an interviewer and reduce your chances of getting the job. So make sure you're not late for your next interview and also, and it is also advisable that you reach 10 to 15 minutes early. 

2) Not dressed for the job 

You must dress appropriately based on the job position or company you have applied.. Most corporate companies prefer that you come to wear something formal. Whereas startups or IT companies it's fine if you wear something casual. Be presentable; candidates are judged based on their appearance, so dress for the job you want.

3) Not doing your research 

Going unprepared for any interview will leave you at a disadvantage. Insufficient information about the company or the job position can make you unattractive to the employer. This is why you must research every job vacancy in Goa you apply for so that you can easily answer any question thrown at you by the interviewer. 

4) Not having the correct body language and energy 

If you come to an interview with low energy and don't make eye contact with the interviewer, you'll come across as a person who is not interested or lacks confidence. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. This is why make sure you're fresh and full of energy before going to an interview. Listen to a motivational video or listen to your music, whatever it takes to keep you energized throughout the interview. 

5) Not asking questions 

Don't go to the interview thinking only the interviewer will be asking you questions. When the interview almost reaches its end, it's your time to ask some questions. Not having any questions from you might signal to the interviewer that you're either not that interested or lack enthusiasm. 


So the next time you have an important interview lined up from a job portal in Goa make sure that that you follow the above steps and go well prepared so that you have a good impression on the interviewer and land your dream job.